25 aprile 2024

News from CAPABLE Poland !

The CAPABLE project described by the Polish specialized press and exhibited at the national conference on the training of technicians in the presence of the ministers of energy and public works. 

The magazine 'Nowa energia', a specialist magazine for the energy sector, which is part of the Polish database of specialist magazines BazTech (https://baztech.icm.edu.pl/o-bazie/?lang=en), evaluated by the Warsaw University of Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, among others, published an article summarising the effects of the Capable project. 

The magazine is aimed directly at representatives of management, engineering, technical, marketing, scientific and research staff of companies and institutions in the energy industry. In addition, the magazine with our article will be distributed during the: - XV Conference "Gas in Power Engineering - Implementation and Operation of Gas and Gas-Steam Combined Heat and Power Units". 22-23.05.2024 - Wroclaw - III Conference 'Hydrogen in Economy 5-6.06.2024 - Warsaw (Warsaw Plaza Hotel) - IX Seminar 'Use of TPOK Plants - Experiences 18-20.06.2024 - Gdañsk 

The article focuses on an innovative approach to improving the skills of public administration employees dealing with local energy intensity issues through the use of e-learning and our Capable platform.

The title of the article is "Innovative forms of competence enhancement in public administration. The e-learning platform of the CaPABle project". 

Were also disseminated the effects of the Capable project during the national conference "National System of Qualification Improvement and Certification of Employees in the Construction Sector'". 
The conference was attended by representatives of public institutions dealing with decarbonisation and energy efficiency, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Construction. 
The conference was attended by representatives of public institutions dealing with decarbonisation and energy efficiency, such as the National Energy Conservation Agency and the National Association 'Respect for Energy and the Environment' (SAPE-POLSKA). 

Next step: planning a national summary of the impact of our work in Warsaw on 9 May.

In addition, information about the Capable project appeared in the post-conference materials of the conference ‘National qualification and certification system for workers in the construction sector’, where our project is mentioned as an example of ‘Good practices of national and international projects’. 

Link to post-conference publication: 

Michał Ślusarczyk

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More training to improve energy efficiency! - Ci avviamo alle conclusioni!

More training to improve energy efficiency! The Capable Project was supported entirely by Erasmus +, the European Union Program in the field...