15 ottobre 2023

ENERGYPOLY - CAPABLE meeting number 3, in Rome, ended with a "board game": ENERGYPOLY

Amici della Terra team, head of CAPABLE Project, invented Energypoly: from the popular table game made to be richer with houses to another game where the winner is the player who saves more energy in the buildings he takes care.The aim of Energypoly is to become the player who saves the most energy at the end of a timed game.The building to be renovated are: hospital, municipal offices, council housing, schools, museums, historical buildings  sport facilities, convention center.. As you can see:

08 ottobre 2023

CAPABLE MEETING - Engineer Lorenzo D'Annibale (Gruppo Zeta Costruzioni) explains the thermal insulation work of the condominium

The third CAPABLE meeting concluded in Rome, Italy. Two days of information exchange and discussions between operators of the CAPABLE project.
Capable: Building the capacity of public authorities to address the challenges of renovating public building stock https://eurocapable.blogspot.com/

The third CAPABLE meeting concluded in Rome, Italy - Photo album.

 The third CAPABLE meeting concluded in Rome, Italy. Two days of information exchange and discussions between operators of the CAPABLE project.
Capable: Building the capacity of public authorities to address the challenges of renovating public building stock.

Inspection of a construction site where condominiums are being adapted to energy saving.

Click the photo to enlarge it

Interview with Iwona Korohoda and Anna Jaskula - From Poland

The third CAPABLE meeting concluded in Rome, Italy. Two days of information exchange and discussions between operators of the CAPABLE project.
Capable: Building the capacity of public authorities to address the challenges of renovating public building stock

Interview with Jure Kristan Construction engineer from Slovenia.

The third CAPABLE meeting concluded in Rome, Italy. Two days of information exchange and discussions between operators of the CAPABLE project.
Capable: Building the capacity of public authorities to address the challenges of renovating public building stock

04 ottobre 2023

Corso internazionale per diventare esperti di efficienza energetica negli edifici - International course to become experts in energy efficiency in buildings.

Corso internazionale per diventare esperti di efficienza energetica negli edifici - International course to become experts in energy efficiency in buildings. 

Vigilia del meeting CAPABLE a Roma. "Ambasciatori" da 4 paesi per il nuovo manuale del 
risparmio energetico negli edifici pubblici. 

Eve of the CAPABLE meeting in Rome. "Ambassadors" from 4 countries for the new handbook on 
energy saving in public buildings.

Giovedì 5 e venerdi 6 ottobre le quattro "squadre" CAPABLE si incontreranno a Roma presso la sede di ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili) per preparare la diffusione del Manuale per il risparmio energetico negli edifici pubblici e la relativa piattaforma online che è a disposizione di tutti.

Ospiti dell'incontro saranno gli "Ambasciatori" di CAPABLE, tecnici e amministratori che diverranno protagonisti del "Corso internazionale per diventare esperti di efficienza energetica negli edifici". Gli ospiti da Grecia, Polonia e Slovenia saranno coinvolti nel progetto CAPABLE per poi poterlo diffondere, grazie al manuale e alla piattaforma online, sul proprio territorio, verso i settori obbiettivo per incentivare tutte le tecniche e  i comportamenti utili per ridurre le dispersioni e gli sprechi di energia. 

On Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October, the four CAPABLE "teams" will meet in Rome at the headquarters of ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili) to prepare for the dissemination of the Manual for Energy Saving in Public Buildings and the related online platform, which is available to everyone.

Guests of the meeting will be the CAPABLE "Ambassadors", technicians and administrators who will become protagonists of the "International Course to become energy efficiency experts in buildings". The guests from Greece, Poland and Slovenia will be involved in the CAPABLE project in order to disseminate it, thanks to the manual and the online platform, in their territory, towards the target sectors to encourage all the techniques and behaviors useful to reduce energy losses and waste.

Picts By Microsoft Bing image creator

More training to improve energy efficiency! - Ci avviamo alle conclusioni!

More training to improve energy efficiency! The Capable Project was supported entirely by Erasmus +, the European Union Program in the field...