10 agosto 2022

Capable Team In spite of the summer holiday season ☀️🌳🏖 CaPABle partners keep working!!

In spite of the summer holiday season ☀️🌳🏖 CaPABle partners keep working on the transnational competence handbook 📖📚 for public authorities, to raise awareness on policies and initiatives addressing energy efficiency in public buildings 🔌💡🏣 and public building decarbonization objectives. Among collected best practices and case studies introducing innovative financial support mechanisms, tools and technical capacity instruments available for public buildings renovations from all the participating countries you will find the example of Piastów (PL), where the effective cooperation in the form of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has resulted in the modernisation and development of high school buildings 🏫 with sports infrastructure ⚽️⛹️‍♀️. The facility meets the standards of a passive building and is powered by RES.

More training to improve energy efficiency! - Ci avviamo alle conclusioni!

More training to improve energy efficiency! The Capable Project was supported entirely by Erasmus +, the European Union Program in the field...